What to Do When the IRS Sends You A Letter

What to Do When the IRS Sends You A Letter

It’s an event that even scares my mail carrier.  It terrifies most people – and small business owners are in their sights. A letter from the IRS (or other taxing authority). It so seldom conveys good news. Whether it is sent regarding payroll or income...
What Makes a Great Client? | BUSINESS

What Makes a Great Client? | BUSINESS

I got a great question from a potential client the other day, and I told him I was going to make a video on it.  The question was, What makes a great client, and what makes a terrible client? Great clients are coachable.  They came to us because they recognized our...

“Farming Out” Work | BUSINESS

Recently I got a comment on my YouTube channel asking if we “farm out” bookkeeping to other bookkeepers.  Let’s unpack that question and see if we can answer it! Using the term “farming out” sounds like this person wanted to make sure I...